Why JBoss Fuse for Microservices?

Evan Wong
3 min readOct 23, 2020


What is Microservices?

Microservices is a variant of the service-oriented architecture (SOA) architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services. In a microservices architecture, services should be fine-grained and the protocols should be lightweight.

Can I build Microservices application without JBoss Fuse?

You could use variety of frameworks to build micro services application. One of the popular frameworks is Spring Boot. Spring-Boot is one of the top trending frameworks in the Microservices era, one of the fundamental building blocks for creating cloud enabled applications, at least in the Java universe. However, application framework is just a small component in the entire process of developing and rolling out a Microservices application. Below are some of the key questions one shall consider for a complete Microservices development and deployment lifecycle:

  • How do you integrate among the services?
  • How do you monitor the health of the services?
  • How do you manage the dependencies of the services?
  • How do you scale the services?
  • How do you maximize the reusability of the services?

Why use JBoss Fuse to develop Microservices application?

JBoss Fuse facilitates developers in the process of developing Microservices application by providing the end to end platform with capabilities:

i. Visual Development — Make developer’s life easier by giving visual development using graphical IDE which includes graphical data transformation mapping, routing and orchestration.

ii. Pattern-Based Service Implementation — By leveraging on the Apache Camel framework, it provides service implementation using different languages to define routes and patterns.

iii. Service Contracts and Binding — Using CXF to automatically generates endpoint definition from WSDL. Supports REST/JSON binding in Java and helps to generate Swagger documentation

iv. Scalability — In Microservices world, the ability to scale the applications automatically is a very critical capability. Fuse applications can be containerized and run on OpenShift Container Platform to achieve highly available and scalable environment.

v. Integration at Scale — Microservices tends to grow in number of services. The big challenge is how does these large scale of services to be able to manage and monitor under a centralized management system. Fuse comes with Fabric8 which allow operators/administrators to be able to simply manage the large and distributed Fuse deployments.


  1. Microservices Definition — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microservices
  2. Camel Integration Patterns (EIP) — http://camel.apache.org/enterprise-integration-patterns.html
  3. Microservices with Red Hat JBoss Fuse — https://www.redhat.com/cms/managed-files/3.Microservices%20with%20Red%20Hat%20JBoss%20Fuse%20%20Alexy%20Brook%2C%20CTO%20of%20Java%20%26%20Integration%20Solutions%20Sub-Division%2C%20Matrix%20Integration%20%26%20SOA%2C%20Center%20of%20Excellence.pdf

